by Shauna Millar | May 15, 2010 | General
If you have ever been to the mall during Christmas time, you may have seen “Santa” there sitting in a big red chair. Next to him is usually a very tall tree with what appear to be brightly wrapped gift boxes. Children love to reach out for those prettily wrapped ‘presents’ under the tree because they believe that there must be something worth having inside them. How disappointed they are when they find out that they are empty. Still, some children don’t believe that those ‘gifts’ can really have nothing inside. How can a present so perfectly wrapped be empty inside?
It is like that with people as well. As a society we tend to judge others on what they appear to be. (Even though the bible tells us that we shouldn’t do this. Luke 6:37) Still we all desire to be beautiful on the outside thinking that this is all that matters – how can everyone be so wrong? Well, as with packages not all people who are beautiful on the outside are as beautiful on the inside. It is what we are; personalities, morals, beliefs, that we translate from the inside to the outside that make us beautiful. It is true that beauty is an inner attitude and some of the ‘most beautiful’ people in the world will tell you that what they feel makes them beautiful is who they are.
Looks can fade and our outward package definitely changes as we grow older and more mature. What is on the inside, who we are will become more important, not only to others but to ourselves. Having a firm foundation, a belief system that we put into practice by the way we treat others and ourselves is important.
Are you a beautifully wrapped empty package? Or does you beauty shine from the inside out?
We thank you for who you created us to be. For allowing us to walk in your light and follow your path. Let you love shine through us, help us to know you more fully. To discover the truth about who we are and how we can know you better. Let those around us see our inner beauty as well as our outer beauty. Help us not to focus on ‘the package’ but what we can do with what we have been given.
Let your light shine through us Lord. We praise you for giving us the opportunity to show your love through us. We thank you for the wonders of your creation and the beauty in the world. Let us focus not on what our flesh looks like, but on what our hearts and minds look like. Reveal to us what you would have us to be.
In Jesus precious name,
by Shauna Millar | May 13, 2010 | General
I believe that every one who has come to a personal knowledge of Christ has also been called to ministry. [Pause for the count of 10.] I just want that to ‘sink in’. I am not saying everyone is called to be a Minister as in Pastor or missionary. What I am saying is that every one has been given a gift that they can share with others. This gift, whether it be holding the hand of a friend who is suffering, praying for your loved ones, baking cookies, is meant to be shared to the glory of God.
Every gift is different and yet the same. The way that we are a light for our Savior is not going to necessarily be the same as the person you are standing next to or even living with. It will be the same in the way that it is meant to be shared as a means to let others see and know God through our lives.
How do you find your “gift”? How do you know what you were called for? Are you waiting for lightning to strike or the clouds to part in the sky and a voice to shout your name with an arm reaching down to give you a road map? You have already been given a gift to give you just need to not compare it to other’s gifts. As with all things, when we start to compare we can often fall short and feel that what we have isn’t as good/great/wonderful as someone else. This can open the door to envy, jealous and depression.
What is it that you love to do? Knit. Cook. Write Poems. Encourage others. Pray. No matter what it is, it is the PERFECT gift.
by Shauna Millar | May 11, 2010 | Book Review, General
I wanted to take a moment and just suggest a good devotional reading by Ken Gire. Intimate Moments with the Savior is a very insightful and inspiration book. I personally would read one page at the end of the day. Although you could read it as a book , each page ends with a something to just think about. This was the first of four books. They deeply touched and changed my life. I would encourage you to read one and see if it doesn’t for you as well.
The other three are:
Incredible Moments with the Savior.
Instructive Moments with the Savior.
Intense Moments with the Savior
by Sue Forde | May 9, 2010 | General
Whether you are a Mom, a step-mother, a surrogate mother, a foster Mom, a Grandmother or a Great-Grandmother or whatever your situation may be;
Happy Mother’s Day.
by Shauna Millar | May 7, 2010 | General
I have always love Chicken Soup for the soul. The books are made up of small stories that are both encouraging and uplifting.
Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul
by Shauna Millar | May 6, 2010 | encouragement, General, Service
For they will know you by the “fruits” that you bear. How well do your actions line up with your ‘witness’. When you look at the way you have treated people throughout the day, do you feel as if you have been a light by your words and actions? Would those same people, when they look back on the day, agree with you?
We are the body of Christ. As with our bodies, not every part has the same function, but it doesn’t mean that we aren’t doing the job. It means we were called to a different job. Do you criticize your neighbor for not going out and shouting from the rooftops about Christ? We weren’t all called to be shepherds or ministers. If we had been, then there would be no flock for those to lead or encourage to go out into the fields and harvest.
Don’t feel down because you find it difficult to go out and verbally witness to people; perhaps your witness is in your actions. The way you speak, the way you serve, the way you give to others. Be proud of what God has given you. If you still find yourself ‘unsure’ of your own gifts, then seek God’s guidance. His word states that if we seek, we will find. Stand firm in this knowledge and be the best person you can be with the gifts God has given you.
Lord, we come before you and we ask for your guidance in our daily routines and actions. We thank you for making us each unique and yet a part of your body. We thank you that we can use our gifts to share your love with others daily. Lord, show us the path you would have us take this day – to glorify you in the best way that we can. To be a witness of your grace and your love, so that others may see you through us and seek you because of us. We praise you for these opportunities. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, Amen.