YOU are not forgotten

YOU are not forgotten

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” -Jeremiah 1:5

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” -Psalms 139:13 -16

God knows everything about me! He deliberately created me. He intentionally created you! What does that mean? Intentionally is defined as “deliberately; on purpose.” Ask any craftsman about a piece of work they have created and they will remember it. It takes time to create a piece of art. You are a piece of art. You are unique and loved. “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me” -John 10:14

We need to stop listening to the voices all around us. The ones who know nothing about us. We can’t let people “bully” us into thinking we are worthless. We can’t allow their opinions to become our facts. The fact is, you are special. The fact is God loves you so much that He created you with a purpose, with intent. He loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you on the cross to ensure He would be with you for eternity.

He didn’t just create you, though. No, He didn’t stop there – He made sure that He had a plan for YOUR life. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11. Wow! Plans for prosperity, hope, and a future! You are valuable! Not feeling that way? Perhaps it is time to seek God and get to know Him better. Maybe it is time to put down the plans you have made for your life and pick up the ones He has for your life. There is nothing in this life that God won’t go through with you in this life.

In the realm of current events, we often witness nations embroiled in conflicts and the suffering of individuals. This inevitably prompts the question: Where does God fit into all of this?  Some may even point fingers at God, but it’s important to note that this isn’t His doing. God granted us the gift of free will. This means we have the liberty to either align ourselves with the path He’s laid out for us or impose our own desires and wishes, not only on our lives but also on others.

The real question is, do you acknowledge and accept this? God foretold that life would be fraught with trials and tribulations, but He assured us that He wouldn’t abandon us. Consider the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. Daniel, a devoted servant of God, faced the terrifying prospect of being thrown into a den of lions. It’s crucial to understand that these were no ordinary, docile lions; they were creatures deliberately deprived and provoked, manipulated for the amusement of those in positions of power. This act was a form of punishment; it was equivalent to being sentenced to the ultimate capital punishment.

Yet, what happened? God was there in the lion’s den WITH Daniel. He didn’t allow harm to come to Him. He had plans for Daniel and Daniel believed that no matter where He was, God was in charge.

How about being thrown into a fiery furnace as happened to Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? What happened? There was a fourth person in the fire with them! God was there! There are times, however, that God’s people will go through and there will be death and destruction. There will be a senselessness in what is going on. I believe all things work for the good of those who love the Lord. That all things happen according to His will and purpose, even if we can’t see it.

Just like God was with Daniel, and with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego – He is with us. He loves you. He loves me. A man may fail and let you down, but God never will. He will provide for you. Seek Him. Know Him. Trust Him.



You know our hearts. You know our situation. You know when we are hurting and when we are celebrating. Father, I ask that You just continue to be with us. That You continue to watch over us and remind us that we are loved. I ask that You bless those who are feeling down and forgotten. I pray for those who may feel dismayed and may be contemplating ways to disappear. I ask that You touch them. That You send your angels to watch over and keep them. Wrap Your wings around them and let them feel the safety and shelter of Your love. I ask that You touch them so they come to know You and understand that they are always loved and wanted. That You never forget us. That You are always with us.

In Jesus Name, Amen.


More than just a moment

More than just a moment

One moment can change our entire lives. It can change the direction we were heading in and put us on a fresh path. It can turn our lives upside down. Sometimes those moments are significant – such as accepting Christ into our lives. Sometimes those moments are horrifying ones, like the death of a loved one. Or beautiful, like the birth of a child. However, what all these moments have in common are the “after” effects. What comes after a life-changing moment? The breath of “what’s next” or “now what?” The path we find ourselves on also comes with decisions that we will have to make.

How do I choose to raise my child? How can I move forward after losing someone I love? How will I become a person worthy of Christ dying on the cross for me? What can I do to make the world a better place in the next moment? We live moment to moment, decision to decision, breath to breath. What we make of our world is based on our choices. They are a gift freely given. Yet, everything comes with a cross. Jesus paid a price for our sins. There is always a “price” for everything that is “free”. Even though Christ chose to die for us [Titus 2:14], to give us a clean slate, He paid the price. His life was the cost for our sins to be washed away. His life was what it took for us to have a “clean slate” in God’s eyes. Jesus had a choice.

We want to be worthy. We want to do our best. We want to follow the path that is set before us. It is HARD. We will not always make the right decisions; we will fail, and make mistakes, and yet still we can move forward. We can learn from our mistakes. Doing better than we did before. Every time you fail doesn’t mean you should give up. It simply means there was a lesson to be learned so we don’t fall into the same pattern of behavior again. Yet, we are also our deepest critics. We judge ourselves harshly, beat ourselves over the head, throw down, and pound the ground. We want to use it as an excuse to give up, not move forward, as the reason “nothing good ever happens” and “why it can’t be done”.

It does not mean our mistakes and failures happen for this purpose. They are there to allow us to see what we did wrong and how we can improve. God gave us the gift of forgiveness. He gave us the gift of making us “whiter than snow” [Isaiah 1:18] not so we can roll around in the dirt, but so we can move forward with boldness. We can choose to cling to the past or we can step forward in faith and strength. The decision is ours. Though, it is often easier to wallow in misery than to lift our heads and move forward.

Why isn’t our faith enough? For some reason, there is a mistaken belief that once you accept Christ into your life, everything will be easier. It is not easy to choose to follow Christ. The path is narrow for a reason. Human nature dictates that we take a wide path. The one that’s trampled and paved for what seems like an easier, smoother journey. The question is, who paved that path? Why is it easier? We can look throughout history to see the persecution of Christians. No one likes to be persecuted. No one wants to deal with hardships and difficulties. You would think after 2,000 years that Christians would have it easier. Yet, throughout the world, we continue to see Christians being oppressed or blamed for the ills of the world. For standing up for the truth against the masses.

In today’s society, it is even less popular to be a Christian. Or to be any person who has a moral compass, especially in the U.S., where the world has been turning into everything the Bible warns about. No one aspires to be harassed, attacked, or “canceled out” based on their belief system. Yet, the world says it is okay to do that to followers of Christ, but not to those who would prey on our children. The world says it is better to make children a victim than to allow Christians to stand firm in their faith. Most religions in the world don’t face the same type of persecution that Jews and Christians do. Why? Perhaps this is something to think about.

We cannot afford to not stand firm. We need to speak the truth and pray for people to receive what is being said. Just because you speak out against sex in schools or force children to attend pride celebrations in schools doesn’t mean that you are incorrect. Remember, some of us will prepare the ground, while others will plant, water, and still others will harvest. God called us to be a light set upon a hill. He called us to follow His word and His will. He called us to meditate on the Word day and night [Joshua 1:8] so that we may show ourselves approved [2 Timothy 2:15]. He has told us to hide the word in our hearts. [Psalms 119:11]

One moment, standing in front of the school board and speaking the truth, could be the thing that changes the direction. Remember, it started with one woman who took prayer out of school. One woman started the abortion movement and got Roe v Wade instilled. Last year, (2022) in a historical moment the Supreme Court gave the power back to the states.

Things can and will change. We must do our parts. We need to remember that every moment matters and what we do with each one of them. You may be the one person who starts the next movement of positive change.


What is the giant in your life?

What is the giant in your life?

I suppose you have heard or read the story of David vs Goliath. [1Samuel 17] The important part here is not that Goliath was a giant, and was undefeatable. In 1 Samuel 17:49-51, David defeats him.

49 Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground.

50 So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.

51 David ran and stood over him. He took hold of the Philistine’s sword and drew it from the sheath. After he killed him, he cut off his head with the sword.

Now, while I have jumped to the “end of the story”, there was a lot in the beginning. First, we recognize David was still a shepherd. He was also the youngest of his brothers. The three eldest had already joined the army and were following the king. The Philistines issued a challenge. Send one out to fight our champion and if you win, we will be your servants, but if we win, then you will be ours. Even Saul didn’t want to go out and fight him.

The importance of this is that Saul was king. He should have been the one to stand up and lead by example. However, we see that he and his men “shook” from fear when Goliath issued his challenge. Which he did for 40 days before David came into the picture.

David was young. He was filled with faith and belief in the Lord. He knew the Philistines were nothing that God couldn’t handle, yet everyone around him was afraid. David stepped forward in faith. He volunteered to stand up against an almost 10-foot giant. He knew God was on His side and would help him prevail.

45 David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”

We all have giants in our lives. We all have something that seems overwhelming, and while history shows a lot of wars that were fought that also had the victors overwhelmed by the invading armies’ numbers, they too prevailed. We need to remember that what God has done for others (David) He will do for us. He is the SAME God today that he was yesterday, and He will be forevermore. This means that we can trust that He will rescue us no matter the situation.

God CAN change the direction we are heading. We can overcome this overwhelming evil that is so prevalent in our society today. How? The Bible tells us we have to first seek God. Are you in a situation where you don’t see a way out? Are our children’s lives important enough to fight for? Should we be standing up for our rights? Do we seek God first? When was the last time you looked into His word to see what it says?

2 Chronicles 7:14 – which I am sure you have read or heard – states:

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

What can one man do? Well, let’s look at David. He loved God. He believed in Him. David was also flawed and failed. Yet, he didn’t allow his failures to guide his life. What he did was constantly seek God. He would ask for forgiveness. The book of Psalms is filled with the praise and failures that David felt. Yet, God saw fit to take a shepherd boy and make him a King. One of the most influential and well-known kings in history. We still talk about him today.

I am not saying that God is going to raise you up to be a king. After all, God knows the plans He has for us and each of us follows a unique path. Sometimes our paths will cross, sometimes we will journey together, yet no matter where God is leading us; He is in charge and will direct our feet.

It is time we get back into the Word. We need to remember what God says. The Bible has all the answers we will ever need or want. From how we are to act, to how we are to protect our homes and families, to who we are to serve. You may face a giant in your life. Just remember, nothing is bigger than God. What He did for the Israelites against the Philistines, He can do for you. Trust Him. Follow Him. Read His Word. Pray. Let Him help you slay the giant. You don’t have to do it alone.

Faith Not Fear

Faith Not Fear

It seems as if we are surrounded in a world filled with fear. Society around us has decidedly changed. The enemy is doing his best to steal, kill and destroy. We can see it in every aspect and walk of life. There doesn’t seem to be any corner left untouched.

Fight or flight is the general response to fear. It seems more people would rather just bury their heads in the sand and hope everything gets better. We know that faith without works is dead. However, did you know that faith is the opposite of fear? The bible tells us to “fear not”.

Isaiah 41:10

Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

It can be difficult to find our faith when we are under attack – when it seems the enemy has created an impenetrable stronghold. Yet, our God stands with us. Firmly. He protects us. He keeps us in the shelter of His wings. He walks with us THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death.

Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

He is with US – with you, with me – WHEREVER we go. There is no place where we travel that we are alone. God is with us. When we are weak, He is strong. We can call upon His strength. We can pray and communicate with our Heavenly Father and He will provide for us what we need, when we need it. The complexity in that statement is knowing that it is in HIS time, not ours.

Just because we want something NOW doesn’t mean that we will get it NOW. There are reasons we are told to put on the full armor of God daily. That armor will get beaten and battered, it will get worn in, but not worn down. We need to continually renew our hearts and minds.

Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. 

When was the last time, you took your time to spend in the presence of God?

We may struggle with what is happening in this world. We may struggle with what is happening in our lives. There is so much destruction. There is so much desperation. There are so many who have lost their way. There are so many who doubt that God exists. There are so many who don’t have a personal relationship with Christ.

It is our gift to be able to share our light with others – so that they may know Christ through us. How can we do that if we are living our lives in fear of what is to come? Or fear of what is happening around us? It is the strength of our faith that helps us move forward. It is the conviction of our hearts that allows us to stand firm.

Even with all these things, if we aren’t spending time in the presence of God, if we aren’t making time to pray and communicate, we are allowing ourselves to get worn down. When we are weary, it is easier for us to find ourselves not only under attack, but not able to stand the attack. It is easier for our minds to be compromised with thoughts that aren’t uplifting but are filled with fear and despair.

I encourage you to renew your faith today.

I encourage you to spend time in the presence of the Lord. Be in the moment with your Maker. Don’t let the distractions of the day seep in and take the blessing of time spent under His wings in renewal. Let your heart be filled with worship and praise. Let your soul dance in the presence of the One who made you. It will help you to be restored, refreshed and renewed.

It is in these moments that our faith grows stronger. It is with these moments that we find we can turn our faith to works.  Don’t allow your faith to wither on the vine and die. Instead, allow it to flourish and grow. Allow it to give you strength to fight for what is right. To move forward in strength and conviction. To share love in a confused and struggling world.

We know our nation needs to turn back toward God. We know that with every step the enemy takes to remove God from our lives, we come closer to being a faithless, corrupt country. We need to stand up,  not sit down because we are worried about who will say what. We need to take back what the Lord gave us.

We need to also remember we can’t do it alone. We can’t do it with our own strength. We need the Lord to guide us, to lead us, to be a part of our movement. We need to seek His will in our lives.

Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Isaiah 41:13

For I am the Lord your God
    who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
    I will help you.

You are not alone on this journey.

Our Hope is Ever Present Real and Powerful

Our Hope is Ever Present Real and Powerful

There are many times in life when we will face an unknown obstacle. We don’t see it coming. We aren’t prepared for it. Then out of the blue it hits us quicker than a snake can strike. Then there are other times where we can see what is going to happen. It starts like a slow motion movie. We see the actions that will cause the outcome. We try to change it, but suddenly we find ourselves in the midst of the flood up to our armpits in murky water. We struggle to stay upright. We wonder if and when we will be able to drag our feet to shore. It seems so close yet also so far away. We fight to keep going. Suddenly, we are thrown a rope from the river bank. We grab on to it, clinging tightly as we are slowly dragged toward the shore.

This is hope. God is the anchor on the shore with so much strength to pull us out. He not only makes sure we make it safely, He then covers us under His wings where we are protected, warmed, and have a safe place to ride out the storm.

It is has become too easy to sit back and watch the skies, waiting for the clouds to appear, expecting it. Then hiding under a lean-to, as we hope that it will pass us by, untouched. We think we are safe –  when suddenly a strong wind comes and carries away our little roof we thought would protect us. When we need to realize that our only real protection in this world is our Savior.

I know it’s hard to believe at times. We are taught to hope in God. Without a personal relationship with Him, this is hard – if not impossible – to do. The world around us has hope too. Their hope is intangible. It doesn’t offer something very real and powerful to cling to. We can always have hope, no matter the situation or circumstances. We are never without it, even in what others might see as a ‘hopeless’ situation. When people become depressed and give up hope they also become willing to give up their lives. Hope BRINGS life.

God created our world for us to enjoy. He created people so we would be able to share our hope and joy and not live in loneliness. Solitude brings with it desolation and despair. These things lead to people wanting to, and sometimes acting upon, a desire to end their lives. We are blessed that we have people who believe like we do. There are people –  brothers and sisters in Christ – who are like-minded, who not only can, but will, encourage us  – to build us up and who help strengthen the hope in our hearts and minds. We are not alone.

We know the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. It doesn’t take much to look around our world and see the ramifications that are happening all around us. Those who have willfully fallen by the wayside. Those who do not know or who have turned not only their backs, but their minds and wills, away from our Creator. No, you can’t force someone to accept your belief system. Then we would be taking away free will. A gift we were given. The opportunity to choose. All you can do is continue to be a light in an ever darkening world.

I know the world seems dreary. Every time you turn around, there is something out there coming your way. Sometimes, it is the slow flow of the water, and sometimes it is the fast rushing of rapids, spilling down over falls. There are sharp rocks and unknown depths below. There are people who are waiting for us to stumble. There are people who are daring us to stand firm in our beliefs. They want to mock us and tear us down. They want to destroy us. Thankfully, there is HOPE.

OUR HOPE. Our hope is concrete. It is strong. It is enduring. It is built on the fact that this is not our home. This is not our permanent place. This is not where our story will end. This is just our beginning. We will struggle to stand up. We will grow weary and tired in the fight. We will question. We may wander off the path. Yet, our Father, who is patient and loving, will be standing waiting for us. He will rejoice when we return and throw a feast in our honor. This is Who our hope is in. This is our Rock that we have built our house on. It is solid. It doesn’t waiver. It doesn’t break when the storms crash against it.

I want you to be encouraged that the God of our fathers is the same yesterday, today and will be the same tomorrow. I know I have written this before, but it bears repeating in these troubled times. What can you do? Stand up! Be counted! Be encouraged to be faithful and unwavering. When you need to rest, rest in His love. When you need to hide, hide beneath His wings. Let His Angels protect you and keep you. Be willing to trust in the Lord with all your heart. Know that He is always there.

You may not feel him, but do you feel the air all the time? Only when the wind moves it or the air conditioner blows it. Sometimes all we may feel is stifling hot and sweaty. That doesn’t mean that the air isn’t there. We just don’t feel it moving. It is ALWAYS there. We wouldn’t be able to live without it. We trust that it is there. We trust that it is good enough for us to breathe. We hope that it will always be clean and allow us to be healthy.

Know that you are loved. You have a community of people who share your beliefs. You don’t have far to go to find them. For some, it is the simple matter of walking into the next room, making a phone call for others; it is finding a church, a body of believers with which to connect. Rest assured that God has your best interest at heart. You are not hoping in vain. Your hope is eternal.