The Path to Joy – a Simple Message

by | Jun 20, 2019 | Fruits of the spirit, joy, peace

There is only one way to find true Joy for your life.  And it’s a simple way!  Here are some steps to follow:

(1)  Accept the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior.  (Read John 3:16).  He created you.  He wants you to be filled with the Joy of His Spirit.

(2)  Be obedient to His commandments.  And they are simple, too.  Love God first and foremost.  Love your neighbor as yourself.  (Yes, that means you need to love yourself, even as God loves you – so much He even died for you!).

Obedience, in this day and age, may seem difficult.  We naturally want to be “rebels” – with or without a cause.  Rebellion includes doing things our own way, disregarding God’s way – whether it’s not following the basic commandments, or failing to put God first and treat others as we would like to be treated.

I can tell you, from personal experience, that going away from the commandments of the Lord (which He has in place not to punish us, but to keep us in joy and peace), brings nothing but trouble.   It’s a lesson many of us have to learn the hard way – and sadly, some never learn.  But following in God’s way – the way as set out in the Scriptures – and asking Him for guidance and wisdom, and to open the door to walk in His will for our lives – brings so much peace and joy that it’s often beyond comprehension.  God is so good – He loves us and wants us to live full and joyful lives.  We can choose to respond to that love, or not.

I hope for you the peace, joy and love that passes all understanding, through His grace and mercy.

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