More than just a moment

by | Jun 28, 2023 | encouragement, General, hope

One moment can change our entire lives. It can change the direction we were heading in and put us on a fresh path. It can turn our lives upside down. Sometimes those moments are significant – such as accepting Christ into our lives. Sometimes those moments are horrifying ones, like the death of a loved one. Or beautiful, like the birth of a child. However, what all these moments have in common are the “after” effects. What comes after a life-changing moment? The breath of “what’s next” or “now what?” The path we find ourselves on also comes with decisions that we will have to make.

How do I choose to raise my child? How can I move forward after losing someone I love? How will I become a person worthy of Christ dying on the cross for me? What can I do to make the world a better place in the next moment? We live moment to moment, decision to decision, breath to breath. What we make of our world is based on our choices. They are a gift freely given. Yet, everything comes with a cross. Jesus paid a price for our sins. There is always a “price” for everything that is “free”. Even though Christ chose to die for us [Titus 2:14], to give us a clean slate, He paid the price. His life was the cost for our sins to be washed away. His life was what it took for us to have a “clean slate” in God’s eyes. Jesus had a choice.

We want to be worthy. We want to do our best. We want to follow the path that is set before us. It is HARD. We will not always make the right decisions; we will fail, and make mistakes, and yet still we can move forward. We can learn from our mistakes. Doing better than we did before. Every time you fail doesn’t mean you should give up. It simply means there was a lesson to be learned so we don’t fall into the same pattern of behavior again. Yet, we are also our deepest critics. We judge ourselves harshly, beat ourselves over the head, throw down, and pound the ground. We want to use it as an excuse to give up, not move forward, as the reason “nothing good ever happens” and “why it can’t be done”.

It does not mean our mistakes and failures happen for this purpose. They are there to allow us to see what we did wrong and how we can improve. God gave us the gift of forgiveness. He gave us the gift of making us “whiter than snow” [Isaiah 1:18] not so we can roll around in the dirt, but so we can move forward with boldness. We can choose to cling to the past or we can step forward in faith and strength. The decision is ours. Though, it is often easier to wallow in misery than to lift our heads and move forward.

Why isn’t our faith enough? For some reason, there is a mistaken belief that once you accept Christ into your life, everything will be easier. It is not easy to choose to follow Christ. The path is narrow for a reason. Human nature dictates that we take a wide path. The one that’s trampled and paved for what seems like an easier, smoother journey. The question is, who paved that path? Why is it easier? We can look throughout history to see the persecution of Christians. No one likes to be persecuted. No one wants to deal with hardships and difficulties. You would think after 2,000 years that Christians would have it easier. Yet, throughout the world, we continue to see Christians being oppressed or blamed for the ills of the world. For standing up for the truth against the masses.

In today’s society, it is even less popular to be a Christian. Or to be any person who has a moral compass, especially in the U.S., where the world has been turning into everything the Bible warns about. No one aspires to be harassed, attacked, or “canceled out” based on their belief system. Yet, the world says it is okay to do that to followers of Christ, but not to those who would prey on our children. The world says it is better to make children a victim than to allow Christians to stand firm in their faith. Most religions in the world don’t face the same type of persecution that Jews and Christians do. Why? Perhaps this is something to think about.

We cannot afford to not stand firm. We need to speak the truth and pray for people to receive what is being said. Just because you speak out against sex in schools or force children to attend pride celebrations in schools doesn’t mean that you are incorrect. Remember, some of us will prepare the ground, while others will plant, water, and still others will harvest. God called us to be a light set upon a hill. He called us to follow His word and His will. He called us to meditate on the Word day and night [Joshua 1:8] so that we may show ourselves approved [2 Timothy 2:15]. He has told us to hide the word in our hearts. [Psalms 119:11]

One moment, standing in front of the school board and speaking the truth, could be the thing that changes the direction. Remember, it started with one woman who took prayer out of school. One woman started the abortion movement and got Roe v Wade instilled. Last year, (2022) in a historical moment the Supreme Court gave the power back to the states.

Things can and will change. We must do our parts. We need to remember that every moment matters and what we do with each one of them. You may be the one person who starts the next movement of positive change.


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