Our Hope is Ever Present Real and Powerful

by | Jan 29, 2021 | encouragement, hope

There are many times in life when we will face an unknown obstacle. We don’t see it coming. We aren’t prepared for it. Then out of the blue it hits us quicker than a snake can strike. Then there are other times where we can see what is going to happen. It starts like a slow motion movie. We see the actions that will cause the outcome. We try to change it, but suddenly we find ourselves in the midst of the flood up to our armpits in murky water. We struggle to stay upright. We wonder if and when we will be able to drag our feet to shore. It seems so close yet also so far away. We fight to keep going. Suddenly, we are thrown a rope from the river bank. We grab on to it, clinging tightly as we are slowly dragged toward the shore.

This is hope. God is the anchor on the shore with so much strength to pull us out. He not only makes sure we make it safely, He then covers us under His wings where we are protected, warmed, and have a safe place to ride out the storm.

It is has become too easy to sit back and watch the skies, waiting for the clouds to appear, expecting it. Then hiding under a lean-to, as we hope that it will pass us by, untouched. We think we are safe –  when suddenly a strong wind comes and carries away our little roof we thought would protect us. When we need to realize that our only real protection in this world is our Savior.

I know it’s hard to believe at times. We are taught to hope in God. Without a personal relationship with Him, this is hard – if not impossible – to do. The world around us has hope too. Their hope is intangible. It doesn’t offer something very real and powerful to cling to. We can always have hope, no matter the situation or circumstances. We are never without it, even in what others might see as a ‘hopeless’ situation. When people become depressed and give up hope they also become willing to give up their lives. Hope BRINGS life.

God created our world for us to enjoy. He created people so we would be able to share our hope and joy and not live in loneliness. Solitude brings with it desolation and despair. These things lead to people wanting to, and sometimes acting upon, a desire to end their lives. We are blessed that we have people who believe like we do. There are people –  brothers and sisters in Christ – who are like-minded, who not only can, but will, encourage us  – to build us up and who help strengthen the hope in our hearts and minds. We are not alone.

We know the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. It doesn’t take much to look around our world and see the ramifications that are happening all around us. Those who have willfully fallen by the wayside. Those who do not know or who have turned not only their backs, but their minds and wills, away from our Creator. No, you can’t force someone to accept your belief system. Then we would be taking away free will. A gift we were given. The opportunity to choose. All you can do is continue to be a light in an ever darkening world.

I know the world seems dreary. Every time you turn around, there is something out there coming your way. Sometimes, it is the slow flow of the water, and sometimes it is the fast rushing of rapids, spilling down over falls. There are sharp rocks and unknown depths below. There are people who are waiting for us to stumble. There are people who are daring us to stand firm in our beliefs. They want to mock us and tear us down. They want to destroy us. Thankfully, there is HOPE.

OUR HOPE. Our hope is concrete. It is strong. It is enduring. It is built on the fact that this is not our home. This is not our permanent place. This is not where our story will end. This is just our beginning. We will struggle to stand up. We will grow weary and tired in the fight. We will question. We may wander off the path. Yet, our Father, who is patient and loving, will be standing waiting for us. He will rejoice when we return and throw a feast in our honor. This is Who our hope is in. This is our Rock that we have built our house on. It is solid. It doesn’t waiver. It doesn’t break when the storms crash against it.

I want you to be encouraged that the God of our fathers is the same yesterday, today and will be the same tomorrow. I know I have written this before, but it bears repeating in these troubled times. What can you do? Stand up! Be counted! Be encouraged to be faithful and unwavering. When you need to rest, rest in His love. When you need to hide, hide beneath His wings. Let His Angels protect you and keep you. Be willing to trust in the Lord with all your heart. Know that He is always there.

You may not feel him, but do you feel the air all the time? Only when the wind moves it or the air conditioner blows it. Sometimes all we may feel is stifling hot and sweaty. That doesn’t mean that the air isn’t there. We just don’t feel it moving. It is ALWAYS there. We wouldn’t be able to live without it. We trust that it is there. We trust that it is good enough for us to breathe. We hope that it will always be clean and allow us to be healthy.

Know that you are loved. You have a community of people who share your beliefs. You don’t have far to go to find them. For some, it is the simple matter of walking into the next room, making a phone call for others; it is finding a church, a body of believers with which to connect. Rest assured that God has your best interest at heart. You are not hoping in vain. Your hope is eternal.


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