We spend our entire lives trying to find true happiness. We search for it in others. We search for it in things. We search for it in making more money. We tend to not look for it from within. Why don’t we want to search inside of ourselves?
The majority of people, in this day and age, have grown up in some form of “dysfunctional” family or “blended” family. Very few people in my generation survived to adulthood without becoming a child of divorce. Of course, divorce causes its own problems, not only creating broken homes, but children who often feel that the reason a parent leaves is “their” fault. As adults, we understand this is not true. Yet children, no matter what you say to them, still believe they are ultimately the reason.
This can cause insecurities, lack of trust, and relationship issues. In addition, we now have a surge in child abuse cases, parents not parenting, and some children disappearing. How can we allow ourselves to feel happy when the world seems to be swirling down the rabbit hole?
As Christians, we need to hold on to our hope and faith in Christ. We can say we trust God, but do we actually believe that we are? This is more difficult than some people realize. Lip service is easy. Actions are tougher. We observe people’s actions to see who they are and what they believe. Children watch their parents and respond to their attitudes toward life and life challenges. If you rush to a child’s aid every time they are hurt before knowing if they are ACTUALLY hurt, a child will automatically respond with crying – even if there is no reason. They look to their parents to see how THEY are supposed to respond. So, if we wait and see if they are really hurt after falling down and they bounce up with a “I’m fine!”, they learn not every fall will cause injury, but rather an opportunity to pull themselves back up and keep going.
We could all use a little more ‘child’ in us. Children have faith and trust in their parents or other adults who protect and love them. It isn’t until they are abused; whether it is emotional, mental or physical, that they start to grow weary and lose faith. While parents are supposed to teach and protect their children, and families are supposed to love and support one another, meanwhile, our world has become topsy turvy with the opposite sometimes holding true. Yet these family basic values do exist. Unfortunately, the world would rather have us believe they don’t. While the media paints the bleak pictures of what the world has become, we should be working to bring it back to essential values, where we recognize God’s love and let it shine through us. Where our actions match our words. And where we allow the joy of the Lord to be our strength.
Lord, we come before you humbly. We bow before your throne of grace and mercy and ask for wisdom in our lives. We ask that you continue to watch over and protect the children of this nation. That their minds and hearts will be safe in your hands. We ask that you continue to open opportunities for them to learn about your love. That we can exhibit your joy and happiness in our lives so that they will reflect it in theirs.
We ask that you continue to guide us in your ways. That you give us strength to deal with the constant waves of attacks that are happening all around us. We ask that you protect our hearts and minds. That we can be a light set upon a hill. That we will know your will, your path for our lives, and follow it. That your love will continue to strengthen us even when we are disheartened and dismayed.
We thank you, Lord, for all that you have done for us. We thank you for all that you do for us. Keep us under your wings of protection. We thank you for your joy.
In Jesus’ Name we pray.