A year of random acts of kindness

by | Jan 7, 2019 | Fruits of the spirit, General, kindness

When I think about all the things that are coming against us as our nation “matures”, my heart breaks. Yet, the hope is for our family. Have you noticed that family values have been decaying over the last several decades? That our children are running around dictating what can and can’t be done? That those who have said, “let children decide” if they want to do something or not; believing that children can know the value of something; like friendship, kindness, sharing, without being taught?

While I do believe that the innocence of children can lead us in many ways. Such as how they will make friends with anyone, no matter the color, race or religion of that person, they also need to be taught the value of those friendships they make. We don’t focus on teaching our children that yes is just as important as no. Or that their behavior, interrupting someone while they are talking or trying to grab attention at not only an inopportune time but for a something that can wait “I want candy”. The value of putting away their own toys after they have played with them, cleaning up after themselves, no instead society says. “aw that is cute.” Not giving thought to how these attributes are going to develop over the months and years to come.

An undisciplined child goes up to be an undisciplined adult. A child who grows up thinking that they should be given everything goes up into the same type of adult. It is the values we instill in our youth, both good and bad, that are seeds to what they will grow into. Yet, these same attributes are what many leaders will focus on. They understand the value of training a child from an early age. They know that by watering the seeds that are planted in a child, will grow and flourish in the adult version. These tendencies, while at times may stray, will always take deep root form. Anchoring an individual through their life.  This is where the term, “and a child shall lead them” takes on a different perspective. The child grows to be an adult who influences others with what they believe.

I can point to cases where teenagers will shout out what they believe to be true, any adult who contradicts them will not be heard. However, take another teenager who doesn’t share their point of view, and that person is heard. We can ‘hear’ and we ‘listen’ to the voices of our peers before we do the same for any other generation. It is both heartwarming and heartbreaking.

I am thankful for Focus on the Family. I believe that the ministry says and does so much for the family. However, I want to challenge you that this year, not only should you focus on your family but also on doing random acts of kindness. Doing something to help someone else. Whether that is a child, teenager, adult, family, friend or a stranger. This year, why not try to do small random acts of kindness from the heart. Not because you have to. Not because you ‘feel’ you should but because you truly want to. Perhaps this year through these acts, we can change lives, we can stem the tide that is running so rampant away from the family. Perhaps we can help bring the focus back to helping to instill values into individuals who will then influence others.

Remember, we are a pebble in the lake, but the small wake we make will ripple farther than we will ever know in this life.


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