The Road Less Traveled

by | Oct 23, 2018 | encouragement, General

Let us stop and take a breath. Take a moment to look around at our surroundings. What do you see? Is your life half empty? half full? Do you see that your life is always being filled back up with newness? Are you aware of it? Or do you just see the whiteness of winter in your life? How do you handle it? Yes, there are a lot of questions that are being asked. Maybe you can answer some of them and maybe you can’t or don’t want to.

The point I want to make is this: our world and how we see it is affected by what is going on directly in front of us. What is happening to us, as an individual, at any given moment. We will scream about the injustice done to others, even if we don’t understand it fully, because we are being inflicted with an injustice in our own lives. You may not remember when the WWJD was a big thing. Asking yourself at any given moment, “what would Jesus do” in this situation? How would He handle it? We don’t think about how we are reflecting Christ in our lives most of the time. We simply exist, endure and move through our moments. We neither savor the moment nor do we curse them. We let it happen and don’t even acknowledge it.

Our life is a reflection of our beliefs. It is the road we are traveling. Often during moments in our lives when we want to shout about the injustice, we need to remember we choose to travel a different path. We have chosen to walk the road less traveled. This road is the one that says we don’t scream out about the injustices in a way that will not mirror who we are. Every action we take, whether intentional or not, illuminates our beliefs and how deeply ingrained they are in us. When we choose to say something about issues we don’t fully know about or act out on things that have affected someone without knowing whether it is true or not, this is a reflection of our deeply (or not so deeply) seated beliefs.

None of us are perfect. I am not. We get upset by the lack of common sense we may feel we see in others or the injustice that is happening around us. It is difficult for me to want to acknowledge the pain in the world around me.  Whether I like it or not, I am affected by these things. At the time of this writing, the U.S. is going through another political transition; which happens all the time. I don’t like to mix politics and religion, I am going to do it at this time, for one simple reason; it is my opinion that so many people are screaming out about an injustice that has or hasn’t happened as if it is personally affecting them.

The recent nomination to the Supreme Court of Judge Kavanaugh; I am not in a position to know what happened or didn’t happen. I do feel that the way the world (the media) has spun things has made it very difficult for everyone involved to have any sort of true view on what happened. The way that the politicians have handled things and brought the media into the situation before doing their due diligence has created a harmful ripple effect.

What I mean by this is that we are a light set upon a hill. We have chosen to walk a path different than other people’s and therefore our judgments and views should be different than others. Yet, so many people have vocally taken sides judging what was happening. How can we judge what is going on? Who are we to judge what is going? Especially without full and complete knowledge of any given situation? Even the Word tells us to “judge not lest we be judged”. That God is the only one who can judge. Can we stand up with an opinion or view of what we feel a person is based on what we know? Yes. Can we make determinations on the past, without any form of proof or having been there ourselves? Yes. Should we? This is something you need to answer for yourself.

My heart is that this nation needs to be healed. At every turn, there is corruption that has affected it to its very heart. There are so much sorrow and pain. So much anger and self-centered oppression that it is hard to heal and recover from. My hope is in the Lord. That this will work to His glory and benefit as it always should. My hope is that if you follow your core beliefs and you are in tune with who you believe you are or should be, that you will follow that path to the best of your ability and uphold it with peace and love in all you do. If you can’t then I encourage you to continue to seek God in his wisdom and in His love. Let him judge not just the situations affecting those around you and around our nation but also let Him judge you. Know that He sees into the heart of the matter and if we always seek him first, He will guide, protect and lead us.

Peace in His Love.

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