Ambleside Online – a FREE homeschool curriculum

by | Mar 8, 2019 | Homeschooling

Recently I stumbled onto Ambleside Online ( ), which offers a free curriculum by Charlotte Mason.  It is available for individuals or for groups.

According to the website:

Charlotte Mason was a British educator who believed that education was about more than training for a job, passing an exam, or getting into the right college. She said education was an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life; it was about finding out who we were and how we fit into the world of human beings and into the universe God created. But this kind of thinking was pretty much eclipsed during the 20th century by demands for more exams and more workers. In 1987, Susan Schaeffer Macaulay wrote a book called For the Children’s Sake, which reintroduced parents to Charlotte Mason’s methods and philosophy, and it started to gain a foothold with a new generation of homeschoolers.

Charlotte Mason believed that children are able to deal with ideas and knowledge, that they are not blank slates or empty sacks to be filled with information. She thought children should do the work of dealing with ideas and knowledge, rather than the teacher acting as a middle man, dispensing filtered knowledge. A Charlotte Mason education includes first-hand exposure to great and noble ideas through books in each school subject, and through art, music and poetry.

The knowledge of God, as found in the Bible, is the primary knowledge and the most important. History is taught chronologically, using well-written history books, source documents and biographies. Literature is taught along with history, using books from or about the same time period. Language arts skills are learned through narration, which consists of the child telling back a story, first orally and later in written form; copywork, or the transcribing of a well-written piece of literature; and dictation of passages from their books. Memorization was used by Charlotte Mason not so much to assimilate facts, but to give children material to meditate or “chew” on, so her students memorized scripture and poetry.  READ MORE HERE >>>

Ambleside Online for Groups is a variation of the AmblesideOnline homeschool curriculum which has been specifically adapted for use in larger group settings such as local co-op classrooms, cottage schools, larger families, and other nonvirtual learning communities. We’re excited to offer this beta model, and we’re looking forward to your feedback.  READ MORE >>>

If you are interested in getting involved in the homeschool method of teaching children, rather than sending them to the public (government) schools where there is no control over what is taught, this offers a good alternative.  Check it out!

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