When Life Begins – Accounting for your belief

by | Mar 29, 2019 | General, Observations

When does life begin? That is a debate, that for many, has been going on for decades. As a believer, if you fully believe the word of God as it is written, then you may say that life begins in the womb or at conception. However, at various times in the Word, we are told, “I knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb…” (Jer 1:5) and you were set apart.

What do you believe? How do we encourage others to share this belief? We can’t force our beliefs onto another person. You can’t force someone to change their mind. You can force the illusion of someone changing their mind. Only God knows what is in our hearts. We can’t force change on other people, we can make a change in ourselves. Knowing this, how do we stand firm in our faith and beliefs and share with others what we know to be true?

Often we come across a crisis of faith; teetering on the edge of what we believe and if it is strong enough for us to stand up for it and against what we know is wrong. Yet, so many people falter when it comes to this moment of truth. When someone falters it is not our job to stand in judgment, but to help guide them back toward the light by not only sharing the truth with them but being a beacon of light as well. There are some people who are so firm in their adverse ideals, that they will not be swayed by words, but it will be our actions that bring them to the truth.

Unfortunately, once again, our country has reached a crossroads where life is not being valued. We have become desensitized to abortions; the number of which happen during a day is outstanding.  The argument becomes “a woman has a right to choose”. While this is true, a woman does have a right to choose. She also has a right to choose not to become pregnant (baring outstanding circumstances which must be recognized due to the vast number of criminal activities that take place in not only our country but our world.) However, I firmly stand against a woman’s right to choose to use abortion as a method of birth control. I stand firm against late semester abortions simply because suddenly someone changes their mind and no longer wants the child.

If you have gone so far as to carry a child to full term, then why not use another acceptable method of removing the child from your life, adoption. The number of families out there who desperately want a child and for various reason are unable to have one on their own, is outstanding. It probably comes close to the number of abortions that are happening. Adoption is not only a viable option, but it is a life-giving option. One that saves a child and helps create a family.

The number of births every year is dropping at a vast rate. Not only here in the U.S. but in other countries as well. (See Germany’s birth rate as an example.) There will be nations that will disappear simply because children aren’t being born. I realize some people may applaud this idea; since some firmly believe that the world has become overcrowded. Yet, murdering innocent children is not the way to attain this ‘goal’ that some may have. When you could give the gift of innocent life, that would be cherished by other parents, rather than destroy that same life; what has this world become when this is what people would rather do?

You have a right to choose what to do with your body. Do you have a right to choose to destroy an innocent life simply because you didn’t choose birth control? When there IS another option open to you? Again, I recognize, that in some extreme cases (such as rape) someone may choose not to keep the child. Remember, that life is appointed by God. There is a reason that things happen.

I would like to encourage you to take a stand for life. Think before you act. Pray. Seek God’s wisdom. Stand firm in your believes. Know that you are loved. Someday you will stand before your maker; are the choices you are making ones that you are willing to be held accountable for?

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